Here's a useful checklist from:
Hurricane/Disaster Checklist
• Stockpile Water!! o Fill up as many containers as possible with water, including heavy contractor garbage bags o Purchase bottled water for drinking o Fill the (clean) bath tubs and sinks with fresh water
• Get $cash, enough for food and flights out of Oahu, etc.
• Gas up vehicles, fill trunks of cars with water jugs
• Charge cell phones, regular radios, VHF radios, satellite phone and laptop computer batteries
• Check battery supply, buy more if needed
• Need duct tape, plywood, plastic sheeting, tarps o Duck tape windows/plywood as necessary
• Have ready all flashlights and candles/matches and lanterns • Package jewelry for evacuation
• Have ready passports and miscl. insurance, investment documents, mortgage documents, info for travel account info
• Stockpile canned goods, crackers, cereals, other non-perishable foods • Need can opener/paper plates/plastic utensils
• Need toilet paper and lots of wet wipes
• Have ready bucket for toilet use
• Need large plastic contractor bags for trash
• Need propane stove
• Pull all extra eyeglasses
• Get medication refills well in advance- at least 1 months worth
• Get backpacks ready with clothes, underwear, shoes, etc ready for evacuation
• Move household furnishings away from floors and walls likely to be water damaged • Collect toilet supplies such as soap, OTC meds, feminine hygiene products
• Assemble first aid kit with first aid crème, bandaids, Tums, Pepto Bismol, all prescription meds, etc.
• Have ready a camera to take pictures before and after damage
• Collect all personal diaries/photos/keepsakes; make sure they are waterproof and safe
• Make sure you have pet food and medications
• Make sure your pets have a collar ID or other ID
• If you move to upper floor, be sure to inflate air mattress while you still have power.
• Collect blankets/pillows, sleeping bags and keep in dry place